Tuesday, 27 December 2011







然后,记得每个人都有自己的性格特点,天下没有one fit all, 没有哪个人会受到所有人的喜爱,受喜爱程度只是相对而言。









不要失去自我。Be Yourself.

Thursday, 1 December 2011


Thursday, 20 October 2011

Developer Hegemony / 地產霸權


事實上﹐金融霸權及地產霸權兩者只不過是因與果的分別。資本家利用現時的 credit system 集資繼而壟斷﹐令地產市場不存有公平競爭。多方面的壟斷使地產商能夠全面控制市場走向﹐eg. 將手頭上土地存之不用或只興建豪宅﹐令房屋供應量大幅減少﹐產生房地產抄賣的現象。香港的地產商更以不同的形式介入市民的基本生活﹐包括柴米油鹽﹐甚至上市集資向政府買地﹐再向社區進行投資。總括來說﹐沒有現今資本主義的 credit system﹐房地產投資根本是沒可能進行的﹐“佔領中環”的反地產霸權其實與環球佔領行動的推翻金融體系是一致的。

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Beach Spike / 熱浪球愛戰

上星期終於抽空看了一部其待已久的電影 - 熱浪球愛戰。 這部所謂青春愛情電影﹐撇除水過鴨背般交待的愛情故事及對女性胸部仔細的描述外﹐其實是一部有關香港階級矛盾以及草根階層反對地產發展的電影。

<熱> 以貝浪灣為背景﹐描述在那兒成長的周秀娜及傅穎如何為保育貝家欲收回發展的沙灘苦練排球﹐最終以沙排賽事作為收回沙灘與否的關鍵。




Friday, 2 September 2011


"In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it."  
- 1984, George Orwell


和一些內地的朋友討論過李副總訪港所帶來的風波,不少的意見都說中央政府對香港的政策傾斜已經令不少內地城市妒忌,香港人實在應該知足姑勿論我是否同意,但至少了解了不少內地人的看法。一時好奇,到底內地傳媒又會有何評價?不如去百度一下,一搜之下,真的自已有點天真,搜尋結果都是如下:溫暖.期許.信心-港媒積極評價李克強訪港成果’‘港媒:李克強訪港有助港人愛國愛港意識提升’,更誇張的是:‘李克強今日訪港 香江各界一人一微博表達期盼’,我懷疑香港有多少人日日用微博。我為身在海外的內地人感到慶幸,至少他們知道,可以討論。

我想起George Orwell 1984”裏面描述的倫敦,主角在Ministry of Truth工作,工作是每日蒐集修改以前的舊報章內容再重新出版,用政府的謊言來消滅已發生的真相,久而久之,人們所認知的歷史都是由政府改造出來的。在60年前寫的寓言小說情節,到2011仍然發生。

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.”。慶幸在香港,二加二仍然等於四,因為警務處處長曾偉雄為警隊保安安排的解釋並沒有立即變作事實,誰是誰非,公眾仍然可以公開討論,事件的真相,仍可望有日查個明白。


Thursday, 1 September 2011


压力可以是一种驱动力。当你有了欲望或出现紧迫感的时候,压力就随之而来。美国《时代》杂志19836月提出,在80年代职业压力已经成为一个流行病了。现在研究发现,有50%—80%的疾病都是和心理疾病和压力有关的疾病。所以有的研究者断言,你说一个疾病,我就可以告诉你都和压力有关系,压力和任何疾病都可以产生关系。压力是一种非特定的反映,不同的人表现出来的是不同的身体状况。除了对身体的伤害以外,过度的工作压力,对于组织的消极影响也是巨大的。因为,如果员工的压力过大,会引起工作者的不满、消极,对工作的不负责任,另外会出现高离职,还有缺勤等等问题。  容易发怒:一旦遇到冲突,反应过于激动和好斗。






Monday, 29 August 2011

Localism & Regional Development / 地方主義下的地方發展

In preparation for the Part 3 interview in just over a week I have been studying the Localism Bill, laid before Parliament last December and due to be enacted by the end of 2011.

The aim of the bill is to fundamentally change the English Planning System by decentralising control from Central and Regional Government to local authorities and local neighbourhoods.

The main measures of the bill can basically be summarised under the following headings:

1/ Local Government

While there are currently only a dozen elected mayors in England, the Localism Bill will give more cities the opportunity to decide whether they want a mayor. This is in my opinion hugely beneficial in terms of raising the profile of English cities and strengthening the importance of urban planning.

London for example, would not have been the same without Ken Livingstone, who appointed Richard Rogers as Chief Advisor on Architecture and Urbanism. His expertise in the field and intuitive understanding of how cities and people interact have contributed greatly to London's recent development and hence his continued role as design advisor to Boris Johnson.

2/ Communities/Individuals

The Localism Bill is aimed at giving local communities groups the right to express an interest in taking over the running of a local authority service.

In consideration of the vast number of trained architects in the country, this will better allow proactive members of the profession with good educated ideas to put them forward and drive improvement at a more local level, potentially reviving the diminishing role of the profession.

3/ Planning Reform

This is in my opinion one of the most controversial part of the bill. The bill highlights that the current planning system does not give members of the public enough influence over decisions that make a big difference to their lives, and contains proposals to make the planning system more democratic. However, a careful balance will need to be struck between democracy and development in order not to slow development and jeopardise the global status of some of England's cities.

The proposal for neighbourhood development plans would be beneficial for smaller cities and towns where the bottom-up approach can sure be applied.

4/ Social Housing

I am most in favour of this section of the bill, which exposes the fundamental flaws of the current social housing system and proposes reforms that will mean more decisions about housing are taken locally, and to make the system fairer and more effective.

Currently, social landlords are normally only able to grant liftime tenancies. As exposed on national news, this can mean that people acquire a social home at a moment of crisis in their life, and continue to live there long after their need for it has passed. 人神共憤. This is only unfair and represents a poor use of valuable public resources.

In summary of the above, I am largely in favour of what the Localism Bill promises. In connection with the issue I had highlighted in my previous post - Rioting & Urban Planning - the bill will make it easier for people to take part in the development of the their communities and hence foster a personal sense of attachment and purpose.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

The day it all changed

                                                                                                   Upside down....

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Rioting & Urban Planning / 暴亂與城市規劃

'It is a question of building which is at the root of the social unrest of today: architecture or revolution' - Vers une architecture (1923), Le Corbusier

While poverty and culture are undoubtedly amongst the underlying reasons behind the mass rioting earlier this month in the UK, I strongly believe that these events have an intimate relationship with the urban planning of our cities. Britain is not alone in this problem, and historically, cities such as Paris have been reconstructed following the 1848 revolution.

The Haussmann Plan, initiated by Napolean III in the 1860s, encompassed all aspects of urban planning, both in the centre of Paris and in the surrounding districts. Strict regulations were imposed on facades of buildings, public parks, city facilities and public monuments, to create the Paris we know today. The most relevant aspect of the plan was in the widening of streets, constructed to facilitate troop movement and prevent easy blocking of streets with barricades. The straightness of the streets eased firing on rioting crowds and their barricades, while large open street intersections allowed for easy control - obviously influenced by the city's history of street revolutions.

Is a different kind of urban development form needed in Britain's cities? Strict urban strategies have been in place in London to prevent it from sprawling like LA, yet the tensions and ignored dividing lines have been so clearly exposed in the riots.

Of course I do not believe that the Haussmann Plan approach of attempting to make our cities riot-proof is the solution to the problem, we must instead create urban environments that provide young people with more appealing opportunities to build a deep personal sense of attachment and purpose, ie. investing in the prevention of further rioting. As a start, the careful planning of shared daily infrastructures may be able to bridge and integrate lives across the class divides.

Relevant research project: Camanchaca Fog Harvester (2009) - an investigation into infrastructure as a means of bridging social divides in the city of Iquique, Chile.